MPC part

MPC part of Tonspack wallet

What is MPC ?

Multi-Party Computation (MPC) forms the backbone of Web3Auth's advanced wallet infrastructure, offering a secure and non-custodial way to manage digital assets.

What is Web3auth MPC ?

How tospack MPC work ?

Currently , the MPC solution using Web3auth JWT . Which means the privateKey of users wallet being split into 2 different part .

Part 1 : User's telegram auth account information .

Part 2 : Web3auth JWT serivce storage .

So Tonspack wallet will not keep any part of your keypair .

The only thing we do is :

  1. Doing telegram webapp auth during user open Tonspack wallet Dapp . The auth-middleware is open source in our github-repo:

  2. The keypair generate rules . Using web3auth generate JWT keypair to generate sub keypair using Bip44 rules .

  3. Wonderful font-end with action handel . So all the actions including :

    1. Connect wallet

    2. Sign message

    3. Send out transaction

    Happened in your webapp font-end .

Last updated