
Telegram base mobile multichains wallet for all your crypto

Tonspack is a multichains wallet base on Telegram webapp & bot , allows anyone to use telegram base crypto in most of the major chains .

Currently Tonspack using Web3auth MPC and HD-wallet [BIP-44] to generate unique keypair for telegram users . It is now a fully decentaliurzed MPC wallet .

Now Tonspack also working on add wallet into TonconnectUI / Walletconnect /wallet-adapter-react . To make Tonspack into one of the major wallet .

How Tonspack work

Tonspack is working on build a mulity chains wallet by telegram webapp to allows users on mobile to connect easily .

And provide sdk/toolkit to help telegram webapp/minigame developer to join web3 easier .

Support functions :

  • Connect wallet

    • Auto callup Tonspack-webapp confirm

    • Return wallet address

  • Sign message

    • Auto callup Tonspack-webapp confirm

    • Return signed message and raw message and wallet address

  • Sign and send transaction

    • Auto callup Tonspack-webapp confirm

    • Return transaction status/hash

Demo videos


Base screenshot

Last updated