👻How it works ?

How tonspack wallet works ?

Tonspack is a telegram base mulity chains support wallet .

Auth user base on telegram-webapp-initdata and telegram-BiometricManager .

How Tonspack work ?

The core of Tonspack wallet is Web3auth base telegram webapp initData MPC . Details of MPC part can be found here .

Tonspack working flow

  • Login telegram webapp

  • Auth telegram webapp initData into Tonspack-mpc-auth-middleware . Generate JWT token.

  • Redirect JWT token into Tonspack wallet font-end .

  • Tonspack wallet font-end request Web3auth for it's privateKey part . And culcuate the privateKey in local font-end .

  • Using BIP-44 to generate the different keypair for chains in local font-end .

  • Do follow connect/sign message/send transaction in font-end .

How Tonspack using Bip-44 works ?

Example code how it works base on BIP44

function getKp(sk:string)
    const master = hd.hdkey.fromMasterSeed(Buffer.from(sk,'hex'));
    const derive = master.deriveChild(derivePath)
    const evmWallet = derive.getWallet()
    const naclKp = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(evmWallet.getPrivateKey())
    return {
        naclKp : naclKp,
        evmKp :  {
            address : evmWallet.getAddressString(),
            privateKey : evmWallet.getPrivateKeyString()
        solKp : {
            address : bs58.encode(naclKp.publicKey),
            privateKey :bs58.encode(naclKp.secretKey),
        tonKp : ton.getTonWalletV4KeyPair(
        btcKp : btc.getKeyPair(

    } as objKP

The init sk comes from Web3auth SDK generate .

And it can generate different keypair by BIP-44 rules .

Last updated